
3 note bluex tabs
3 note bluex tabs

3 note bluex tabs

It contains 12-bars and different chord progressions, but most contain I, IV, and V chords in various arrangements. The 12-bar blues is a musical form that is the basis for countless blues, country, rock, and other songs.These are phrases created by guitarists using the major or minor blues scale that are then used in songwriting or soloing.Outside of the 5 box patterns there are one octave, two-octave shifting, and 3-note-per-string shapes that guitarists also learn when studying the blues scale.

3 note bluex tabs

On the guitar there are 5 box patterns for the major and minor blues scales that allow guitarists to perform this scale over the entire guitar fretboard.For the minor blues scale, the “blues note” is the b5, the note that gives the minor pentatonic a bluesy flavor. For the major blues scale, the “blues note” is the b3, the note that gives the major pentatonic a bluesy flavor.It is the most versatile of all the modern scales. This scale is used to solo over just about any chord or key including major keys, minor keys, major chords, minor chords, blues progressions, and more. The minor blues scale is built by adding a b5 interval to the minor pentatonic scale, forming the pattern 1-b3-4-b5-5-b7.This scale is used to solo over major, maj7, 7th chords and their related variations such as maj6, maj9, 9th, and 13th chords. The major blues scale is built by adding a b3 interval to the major pentatonic scale, forming the pattern 1-2-b3-3-5-6.


  • The blues scale is a 6-note scale that contains 5 notes from the major or minor pentatonic scales plus one chromatic note.

  • 3 note bluex tabs